Conferences/Graded Work/Progress Reports



Check folders every day.  I try to send papers home ASAP.  A paper with a 69 or below should be signed and returned.

Full credit is given to assignments turned in on time.  Assignments turned in late will receive 10 points deduction for each day late.




A progress report will be sent home during the third and sixth weeks of the grading period. It should be signed and returned.  Report cards will be sent home at the end of the grading period and should also be signed and returned.  If you need to keep your child’s report card to earn prizes or rewards at area merchants, please send in a note letting me know when you will be able to return it.  That lets me know you have seen the report.




Anytime you have concerns or questions you’d like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to send me a note, give me a call or send an email.

Conference times available:

  • Any morning before school from 7:00-7:20, then I must be available for incoming students
  • Any afternoon after school, unless we have faculty meeting, or I have duty.  Faculty meetings are usually Wednesdays and I have duty every other week.  This slot would be from 3:15 until 3:45.
  • Any day during my planning, which is our PE time, 8:45-9:15. (Except Thursdays when we usually have grade level planning)
  • During our art or music time, which is on Monday from 10:45-11:15.
  • Phone conferences can be set up for the above times as well.
  • I can come to your home if you have younger children and can’t arrange childcare.

Please give at least a 24 hour notice of request or cancellation.


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